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Bolte hai alg alg bhasha, Bolte hai alg alg bhasha, Hindi , Punjabi,or apni rajya bhasha.
The Christmas festival is celebrated all over the world on 25 December as the birthday of Jesus Christ. Many interesting stories are recorded in history to celebrate this day. Learn about Christmas and related stories.
There are many apps of WhatsApp stickers on Google Play Store that you can use.
The constitution was passed on 26th January 1950. Since then Republic Day is celebrated in India every year on this day.
Humanity had suffered a wave of one virus or the other in every decade. In the 18th century there was the plague, in the 19th-century Spanish flu also known as influenza came, then in 2020 came the world-famous coronavirus (COVID - 19).
Winter in India is like unlocking a treasure trove of travel wonders. Imagine yourself amidst snow-covered mountains and sun-soaked beaches