poetry घरोंदा...


poetry Hastakshar (Signature)
other-topics Was That a Surprise or a Shock ?


Before I tell you my story, let me introduce myself. Before getting married I was in a fairy tale  world, very optimistic & positive (which still I am) . My motto was live and let live. Till date I never wanted to harm anyone or thought of doing anything inoffensive, even in the worst times of life. I got married in a typical baniya family. Where they have some rules specially meant for bahus of the house, like wearing only sarees, sitting one level down in front of elders, not eating facing the father in law, can't express your thoughts especially  if they have a contradictory point of view with the family etc. By nature I am a very flexible person so I accepted every rule that was made for me.

Their  daughter used to wear shorts, lie down on the floor laughing, on every occasion used to buy new dress, which I was not allowed. I didn't go anywhere with my husband, wore only sarees till my father in law was alive, didn't go to the market to buy anything. Initially my husband was loving & caring. But after a few months his behaviour changed. He started complaining about my looks, behavior & me not giving him attention etc though I used to do all his work. 


After 3 years of marriage & with a son, with utter shock I came to know that he is having an affair with our tenant only. That shocked me and I was devastated, fought badly, left the house & came to my maternal house. After one month of arguments & lots of fights on the same thing, they came to take me back home. Even after knowing everything, they were still  not admitting that the man was wrong. They said I am very suspicious in nature. But, everyone on my maternal side thought that I should give him one more chance though I knew that he would not change but still agreed and went back to give a second chance.

Everything was going fine, then one fine day I came to know about my second pregnancy. I didn't want the child but had no option but to keep it. I gave birth to a beautiful daughter. After 2 months of her birth I came to know that she has some health issues for which blood transfusions from time to time were required. When jiya (my daughter)  was around 7-8 months, I observed my husband's behavior become worse. My sister in law was dating a guy who was his enemy. So for that reason every 2-3 days fights used to happen at my home. From breaking things in the house, saying inappropriate words, abusing, yelling on one another, getting physical in fights.

But apart from this mess he used to find peace with the other women and started giving her more time. Somehow, I found out with his behaviour that there is something wrong going on. Even one of my close relatives told me that he is having an affair but I replied that I'll handle it, which now I figured out was not handled by me the way it should be. 


Because of his affair he never used to give me his phone & nor tell me his phone's code. Then, by chance one night he was watching some videos on the phone & he fell into a deep sleep. I immediately picked up his phone, opened the gallery and I can't tell you what all I saw. I was in deep trauma that time. It was 12 o'clock at night and I felt like everything was gone and nothing was left. I saw many naked pictures of my husband with the other women,  and even videos.

For one second I lost my sense and my mind got blank. I immediately took the phone and  showed those pictures to my mother in law and sister in law. All of sudden my husband woke up and started calling my name, then my sister in law immediately locked the phone and behaved normally, like we shouldn't confront him. Rather told me to stay calm and  gave me an idea that we'll catch the women. So I thought that would also be good. But then as days passed she started delaying the action. Which now I came to know was that it was their plan. Then for 2-3 weeks I didn't speak to him, he understood that we had seen his pictures and knew about his affair.

But one thing which was even more shocking than this was that even when everybody knew about his affair, he neither deleted the photos and videos nor changed his behavior at all in these weeks. After 2-3 weeks, the same scenario happened. He again slept while watching videos , I checked his phone. Even then those pictures and videos were there in his phone as if he deliberately kept them for any use. I fought badly with him in front of his family members. Then I left the house with my younger daughter and started living in my maternal house. 


Initial 1-2 months were very emotional for me. I used to cry every night for my son and about the  whole incident. But after 4 months I recollected myself. Gave self-confidence and positive energy.  Because I strongly believe that energy comes from within either positive or negative.I followed my mother's principles. She was a very strong and independent woman. She always said and believed in karma and in doing good always. I also tried to do so. Whatever worst things could happen to me happened and I was over hoping for all good now and keeping my fingers crossed.

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