" What other personalities think of me is none of my business ." " You're shy ", " you're talkative", " you're fat", "you're ugly", " ahh ! Just look at yourself ", "You're dumb " .......

Accept yourself as you are ,even when others don't
New Blogs:
" What other personalities think of me is none of my business ." " You're shy ", " you're talkative", " you're fat", "you're ugly", " ahh ! Just look at yourself ", "You're dumb " .......
This is for those women out there who want to be independent but afraid to be. There are some people who think that women are not meant to be independent and can't take their own decisions, they should be under the control of man's hand and never think for themselves.
We have been living in a society where a lot of prejudices still exist. The transgender community faces tremendous bias, despite all efforts by its advocates.
Before I tell you my story, let me introduce myself. Before getting married I was in a fairy tale world, very optimistic & positive (which still I am) . My motto was live and let live.