Vitamin D Rich Diet: Vitamin D is very important to keep bones strong. Vitamin D immunity in the body keeps it strong and also protects against viral infection.

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Vitamin D Rich Diet: Vitamin D is very important to keep bones strong. Vitamin D immunity in the body keeps it strong and also protects against viral infection.
Experimental testing has not found any evidence that low levels of vitamin D increase the risk associated with Covid-19, but there is certainly an association between sun-derived vitamins and the immune system from disease.
There are many varieties of pulses, such as moong, lentils, urad, tur dal, etc. Very few of these pulses are consumed regularly. By doing this, you are not able to take advantage of the nutrients and benefits arising in these pulses.
It is so ironic that we call cows “Mata”, which means mother in English and cows are worshipped almost everywhere in India. But how many of us really pay attention to fulfilling the needs of cows? Are we unable to feed our own mother properly?